. Week 63 - Telling The Truth | Ceasefire Magazine

Week 63 – Telling The Truth

By Jody Mcintyre Returning to London, without any plans to think of, apart from reading books and taking down quotes which may come to some use in the future, has been a chance for me to reflect back on what I can only describe as a life-changing eighteen months. If one thing is for certain, I […]

Jody Mcintyre's Life on Wheels - Posted on Sunday, May 23, 2010 12:00 - 0 Comments


By Jody Mcintyre

Returning to London, without any plans to think of, apart from reading books and taking down quotes which may come to some use in the future, has been a chance for me to reflect back on what I can only describe as a life-changing eighteen months.

If one thing is for certain, I would say that travelling the world instills in you a set of unshakable moral and ethical beliefs. For me, my priorities are clear. Honesty above all.

I am sure that there will be times when I’m attacked for telling the truth, not least in situations on when the people on the other side of the fence are so intent on maintaining untruths, but I still believe in it.

As Malcolm X once said, “You’re not to be so blind with patriotism that you can’t face reality. Wrong is wrong, no matter who does it or says it.”

As is often the case at a time like this, lyrics were the first thing to come to my mind…

I’m furious… your lies are becoming so spurious /
Judge me, but we got the jury with us /
And uslee*, from Lebanon, where they leave cluster bombs /
From Beirut where the soldiers shoot /
It’s like a pattern and you’re following suit /
It’s like the sheep run now you’re following who? /
I can’t avert my eyes from all the lies /
Or hidden secrets you can call them whatever you like /
Like a refugee running from his UK-built camp /
But when he reach the “free land” you turning him back /
The one time he reach out and you turn your back /
Now it’s far too late for turning back /
Take it back to the start /
Wonder why it fell apart /
Shoot the messenger, but who really broke their heart /

*Arabic for “my roots / originally”

[The complete ‘Life on wheels’ archive is available at http://jodymcintyre.wordpress.com]

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